Two people are on a trail outside, one is standing with a walker.

Get Involved

Provide Your First Voice Accessibility Advice

Are you a person with a disability or disabilities and would like to share your expertise in reviewing and providing input on future projects - such as resources, workshops, about accessibility or intended for the public?  

The Accessibility Directorate is creating a roster of Nova Scotians  who would be interested in these opportunities. Depending on the number of projects that need to be reviewed each year, you may be invited to review many, a few, or no projects. You can say no to the invitation, and this will not affect your eligibility to be invited to provide input on future projects.

You will be offered honoraria for each project you review and provide input on.  The honoraria amount will be included in the invitation to review and provide input.  Your individual accessibility needs will be met for any projects you are invited to review. By providing input and sharing your lived experience with accessibility in Nova Scotia, you help us to build a stronger province for everyone.

Sign up now by completing this intake form.  You may also contact the Accessibility Directorate at if you have any questions. 

Join the Accessibility Advisory Board

Consider applying to become a member of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Advisory Board and help build an accessible Nova Scotia. To find out if there are current openings on the Board check here.

The Board has up to 12 members that are appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice for a term of three years, up to a maximum of two consecutive terms.  

The majority of members must be persons with disabilities, Deaf and/or neurodivergent persons. Board members have a diverse range of expertise and experience. They:

  • Are active champions for accessibility with knowledge of issues that are important in disability communities
  • Have leadership skills and/or previous board experience
  • Have knowledge of and experience in public policy, administration and community engagement.
  • Bring perspectives from groups that will be subject to accessibility standards 

Nova Scotia Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABC's)

Agencies, Boards and Commissions are created by government to provide advice and services in different areas and are made up of individual Nova Scotians appointed through a central process. The Accessibility Advisory Board is a Board of the Nova Scotia Department of Justice. 

View this PDF to understand the steps of the appointment process. 

To apply you must complete an application online

How to apply

  1. View Online Applications System.
  2. Select Nova Scotia Accessibility Advisory Board  
  3. Click the “Apply to this ABC” button to complete an application.

On the application form complete the fields found under the Personal Details and Resume tabs below. You may also wish to complete the fields found under the Training/Skills and Diversity/Employment Equity tabs, but you are not required to do so.

If you’re applying online for the first time, you’ll need to create an account and a personal profile. You can save an application and finish it later if you don’t complete it in one session.

If you’ve previously submitted applications by email or mail, your profile and new applications will be linked to your previous records. You’ll be able to see your full history when you log in.

If you cannot submit an application online, or if you have any questions, contact the Executive Council Office for help.

Phone: 902-424-4877 or toll-free 1-866-206-6844 

The Executive Council Office will send you an email to confirm we’ve received your application and contact you if we need more information. Contact the Executive Council Office if you need to make changes to an application you’ve already submitted. You will be contacted you if you’re selected for appointment.

You can track the progress of your applications by logging into the online application system. You can also update your contact information anytime. 

The Government of Nova Scotia has an employment equity policy, and we encourage people from diverse communities to apply. Applicants are invited to self-identify to help us increase diversity on our Agencies, Board and Commissions. 

Your personal information will be treated as confidential, and only used and disclosed for assessing your applications, tracking your appointments and related purposes.

Your applications will be kept on file for two years from the date they are submitted, then deleted in accordance with our file management policies. 

Public Engagement and Feedback

Occasionally the Accessibility Advisory Board will have opportunities for input and feedback from the public on our work. These will be listed here.