Meet our Board Members
The Accessibility Advisory Board consists of 12 individuals who have committed to help build an accessible Nova Scotia, with the majority being persons with disabilities, Deaf and/or neurodivergent persons.

Access Includes Everyone
A public awareness site that showcases inclusion and increases awareness that accessibility is a human right. It includes information and resources about disability in Nova Scotia, success stories, and work that is happening to increase accessibility.

Provide Your Input
Are you a person with a disability or disabilities and would like to share your experience by reviewing and providing input on future government projects - such as resources, workshops about accessibility or intended for the public?

Accessibility Standards
Government will develop accessibility standards in the following areas: Built Environment, Education, Employment, Goods and Services, Information and Communication, and Public Transportation

Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate
A division in the Nova Scotia Department of Justice that supports the implementation and administration of the Accessibility Act and addresses broader disability-related issues, by working collaboratively with persons with disabilities, municipalities, businesses, and others to achieve the goal of an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030.